Monday, September 13, 2010

some foods can be delicious w/ alfalfa.

I had to go to a jury duty summons today. It was pretty horrid. Basically, they told all 85 of us to come in at 8:30 in the morning but then neglected to tell us that there was already a trial in session in the court room we were supposed to be in. So for about 3 hours, everyone just kinda sat in another room, twiddling our thumbs. I, on the other hand, finished an entire book from start to finish (Still Missing. Worth the read.). So when they finally call us on to the actual court room, we spend another two hours waiting for our names to be called in order for us to be asked irrelevant questions (Ok, so maybe some of them maaaay have been a tad bit relevant for the case...).

I didn't get chosen.

An entire day, wasted...

On the bright side: I got to miss work (with pay!) and read for leisure!

Food intake for the day, cereal w/ milk, almonds, and a 180 calorie cheese, tomato, and alfalfa sprout sandwich. Delicious.

I also worked out for almost 3 hours today because of stress. My body aches. Feels good~

My mom has apparently been feeling guilty. She's been refusing to cook me anything because she claims to not be able to cook anything without meat. Oookay. Cool with me. But she is apparently feeling remorse. I think she's being ridiculous but she bought me a whole jar of kimchi. I guess I have to eat it now. I just have to figure out how to incorporate it as a side to my week of alfalfa sprout meals (it adds an extra kick, kind of like bean sprouts...).

Kimchi goes great with rice but I'm trying to avoid rice. Maybe I'll cave and eat it one day this week. But I have to remember not to overdo it because Friday is beach day (FINALLY!).

Good luck everyone~

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