Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fuck popcorn. Fuck chocolate.

I have a weakness for popcorn.

There was a festival happening in my town on Saturday. I had planned on going but once I saw the dark ominous clouds in the sky, I decided that the festival was going to have to wait. So what did I do? I went to the movies. I had planned on getting no snacks but then the ticket guy slipped me a coupon for 3 bucks off whatever.

You know where this is going...

I bought a large popcorn. I ate the whole thing and purged it.

God. Damn. It.

Well in other news. I only have to lose 1 more pound this weak and I'll make my goal. How did I lose so fast? Beats me. I do know how I gained weight back so fast however. Chocolate. You think you have control but once you give chocolate a chance, it controls you.

Wisdom for the week.


  1. hey, when i go to the movies i make sure to pack a little bag of either mini rice cakes (the caramel ones are my fav's) or some sugar free hard candies, that way i dont feel left out when everyone else is getting something and i dont have to worry about eating the crap they sell at the theaters lol.
    also i get a big ass diet soda because it fills me up really fast.
    stay strong , your doing great!

  2. once i have a tiny bit of sugar,chocolate, biscuits etc.. i am out of control!! Stay strong! xxx
